Lydia OSHODI: from Cybersecurity manager to staff management directorCybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from cyber...
Mathilde DELANGUE: Improving and optimising toys for the futureHello, my name is Mathilde and I am an engineer at SMOBY TOYS SAS which is a plastic toy development and manufacturing company based in...
Léa RIMBERT: Better packaging for a better worldDear subscribers, We end the month dedicated to the Toy industry with Léa RIMBERT. Léa is a packaging project manager at Oxybul, a toy...
Joanna EID : To build ecologicallyJoanna EID fait partie des personnes qui agissent aujourd'hui pour que nos bâtiments aient un faible impact sur l'environnement et le climat
Alexandra LEPURE: “Managing a team is managing emotions”Alexandra LEPURE: “Managing a team is managing emotions” Helloo Girls!! I hope while reading this article you’re in a good mood, because...